Spreading the Word: How to Write Down Your Testimony
a person writing in a notebook | Photo by picjumbo.com
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. - Matthew 24:14
To be a Christian is to believe in Christ and his promise. This promise is the heaviest anchor of all. It keeps us in place and grounds us against the myriad troubles of the world. Yet, it would be selfish of us, extremely so, to keep this faith to ourselves. Christ does not command us to keep quiet about our faith or about his promise. Instead, he asks us to speak of it when asked. He asks us to offer his promise to others on his behalf. He tells us that we should spread his word to the farthest corners of the planet until everyone is in praise of God.
How to Write Down Your Testimony
An open notebook with a sprig of mistletoe in the middle | Photo by Min An
What Christ asks from each of us is to deliver our testimony so that we may inspire others to turn to him and the Kingdom of God may receive another faithful denizen. Writing down your testimony will be difficult work, but it will be extremely rewarding. Just ask Bonita McAfee Mitchell, Richard Wurmbrand, Nicki Cruz, and more faithful people who fully revealed their relationship with God and made it known to the world.
Spreading the Word: Reflection and Prayer
Before you begin writing down your testimony, it is important to start with a prayer. Place yourself in communion with God, and allow Him to speak through you. Take the time to reflect on this personal journey and ask yourself any of these questions:
What have been the milestones of your faith? Has your faith only become stronger now?
How has God answered your prayers and provided for your needs?
Where has God taken you today? And where would you be without Him?
What would you want to say to someone whose relationship with Christ is not as it should be?
As you ruminate on these questions, and you find yourself groping for answers, always engage in prayer. The Holy Spirit is working through you, but because of our imperfect bodies, it may take some time for its grace to flow outward.
A book spread open with the words PRAY above it | Photo by Tara Winstead
Spreading the Word: Outline Your Testimony
The questions above (and whatever else you may want to ask of yourself) are only to give you a goal. Now, it is the task of writing. Once you have a clear and concise understanding of your personal spiritual journey, the next step is to organize your thoughts. A good way of doing that is to make a road map of what you want to say and how you want to say it. In other words, make an outline.
Start with an introduction. Tell your readers a little about yourself and how you came to be a believer. Let it be known what you are writing about, who you are writing for, and why you are writing in the first place.
Afterwards, you can expand more on your background--especially the moments in your life where Christ was there to help you through challenges and obstacles. Make this into a story of your faith: how you allowed the Holy Spirit to fill you and why you still believe--even now.
Describe how you found faith in Jesus, and talk further about how your life has become more wonderful because of his presence. Be truthful about everything, even the bad moments. Let readers understand how your faith in Christ pulled you out of your darkest moments and how it made moments of joy even more joyful.
Explain how your faith has made an impact not only on you but on others in your life. Tell the world that the love of Christ is overwhelming and all-encompassing.
End your testimony by expressing your faith and gratitude towards God, and by encouraging others to do so as well.
When you begin to write, setting pen to paper, may your words flow as naturally as water flows in a river.
Letting the World Know More of God
Writing down your testimony is one of the most important things you can do as a Christian. By revealing your journey to the world, you are touching upon the hearts of others and letting them know who Jesus is and how his love has made your life even better.
The First Lady by Bonita Mitchell is a powerful testimony and a great example. Click this link to grab a copy of the book and learn more about how to make a great testimony.