The Power of Grit in Life, Love, and Lifelong Faith
The power of grit lies on staying together amidst adversities. | Photo by Kindel Media
For Need of Endurance: What the Bible Says of Perseverance
To be in steadfast pursuit of a goal is a virtue widely celebrated throughout the Bible.
Put God First and He Will Guide You to Your Purpose
How do you put God first? There are many ways to prioritize your relationship with God, here are some.
Embracing Jesus in Our Lives: All Things Are Possible
All things are possible through embracing Jesus in our lives. Read on to be inspired and directed toward the right path with Him.
The Role of Testimony: Strengthening Faith Through Stories
The role of testimony is manifold. Through its diffusion and conveyance, we know of others and their faiths, furthering and strengthening ours. Read more…